Declaration SDKs require a Full Trust permission set when used within .NET applications. This permission level is essential for the SDKs to perform certain system-level operations, such as accessing registry settings, system files, and parsing fonts.

Why Full Trust is Required

The tasqize SDKs utilize core .NET system classes, which often need elevated permissions for the following reasons:

  • Registry Access: Some operations may require reading or writing to the system registry.
  • System Files: Access to system files beyond the application’s virtual directory may be necessary for certain tasks, such as handling fonts or performing file operations.

Limitations of Medium Trust Environment

In hosting environments that enforce Medium Trust security, several important permissions are restricted or unavailable. This could prevent the SDKs from functioning correctly in such environments. The following restrictions apply under Medium Trust:

  • OleDbPermission: Cannot use the ADO.NET managed OLE DB data provider to access databases.
  • EventLogPermission: Access to the Windows Event Log is prohibited.
  • ReflectionPermission: Prevents the use of reflection, which may affect certain dynamic operations.
  • RegistryPermission: Access to the system registry is denied.
  • WebPermission: Communication is restricted to predefined addresses or ranges as configured in the <trust> element.
  • FileIOPermission: Access to files is limited to those within the application’s virtual directory.
Dec 3, 2024