
tasqize SDK can be installed through multiple methods, each tailored to different development environments and preferences. Below are the recommended ways to install tasqize:

1. NuGet (Preferred Method)

NuGet is the most straightforward and preferred method for installing tasqize, ensuring that you always have the latest version and updates directly within your development environment. Check more details about this installation method at How to install tasqize SDKs using NuGet.

2. MSI Installer

The MSI installer is a convenient option if you prefer to have the tasqize DLLs installed directly onto your system. This method is ideal for developers who may want to use tasqize across multiple projects without needing to manually manage DLL files. Check more details about this installation method at How to install tasqize SDKs using MSI.

3. ZIP Archive

For developers who prefer a manual approach, the ZIP archive contains the tasqize DLLs, which can be extracted and added to your project directly. Check more details about this installation method at How to install tasqize SDKs using ZIP.

Dec 3, 2024

Subsections of Installation

System Requirements

tasqize SDKs are designed to integrate with .NET applications and support various operating systems and development environments. Below are the key system requirements:

Supported Operating Systems


  • Windows 7 (x64, x86)
  • Windows 8, 8.1 (x64, x86)
  • Windows 10 (x64, x86)
  • Windows 11 (x64, x86)
  • Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2022 (x64, x86)
  • Cloud: Microsoft Azure


  • macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and later


  • Compatible with multiple Linux distributions:
    • Ubuntu (16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04)
    • CentOS (7, 8)
    • Debian (9, 10)
    • OpenSUSE (Leap 15+, SLES 12+)


  • Supports Android 8.0 (Oreo) and later.

Development Environments

  • Microsoft Visual Studio:
    • Visual Studio 2010 and later (including 2019 and 2022)
  • Supports any development environment targeting .NET platforms.

Supported .NET Frameworks

  • .NET Framework 4.0 and higher
  • .NET Standard 2.0 (.NET Core 3.1+)
  • .NET 6.0, .NET 7.0, .NET 8.0

Additional Notes

  • Adobe Acrobat is not required to run tasqize SDKs, but is recommended for viewing PDFs.
Dec 3, 2024

Declaration SDKs require a Full Trust permission set when used within .NET applications. This permission level is essential for the SDKs to perform certain system-level operations, such as accessing registry settings, system files, and parsing fonts.

Why Full Trust is Required

The tasqize SDKs utilize core .NET system classes, which often need elevated permissions for the following reasons:

  • Registry Access: Some operations may require reading or writing to the system registry.
  • System Files: Access to system files beyond the application’s virtual directory may be necessary for certain tasks, such as handling fonts or performing file operations.

Limitations of Medium Trust Environment

In hosting environments that enforce Medium Trust security, several important permissions are restricted or unavailable. This could prevent the SDKs from functioning correctly in such environments. The following restrictions apply under Medium Trust:

  • OleDbPermission: Cannot use the ADO.NET managed OLE DB data provider to access databases.
  • EventLogPermission: Access to the Windows Event Log is prohibited.
  • ReflectionPermission: Prevents the use of reflection, which may affect certain dynamic operations.
  • RegistryPermission: Access to the system registry is denied.
  • WebPermission: Communication is restricted to predefined addresses or ranges as configured in the <trust> element.
  • FileIOPermission: Access to files is limited to those within the application’s virtual directory.
Dec 3, 2024

Non-Windows Environment

tasqize SDKs support .NET Standard 2.0, which allows them to be used in .NET Core applications running on Linux or other non-Windows environments. To ensure optimal performance and correct text rendering, follow the steps below:

1. Install libgdiplus Package

This package provides necessary GDI+ functionality, which is critical for rendering and processing PDFs. You can install it by running the following command in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install libgdiplus

2. Install Microsoft Compatible Fonts

For correct text rendering, install Microsoft TrueType fonts using the command:

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

These fonts should be placed in the /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts directory. If your system stores fonts in a different directory, update the path in your code before performing any operations with tasqize SDKs:

tasqize.Text.FontRepository.Sources.Add(new FolderFontSource("<path to ms fonts>"));


By ensuring these installations are complete and configuring the font path correctly, you can maximize the performance of tasqize SDKs on Linux or other non-Windows systems.

Dec 3, 2024


You can easily download the tasqize SDKs for evaluation purposes. The evaluation version is identical to the purchased version, with the only difference being how you apply the license.

Evaluation Version Limitations

While the evaluation version provides full access to all features, it includes the following limitations until a license is applied:

  • An evaluation watermark is inserted into all output documents.
  • Only the first four pages of any PDF document can be viewed or edited.

To remove these limitations and unlock the full version, simply apply a license by adding a few lines of code to your project.